Publisher imagicache, llc


How to Order a Book

If you want to purchase a single copy of a book, please see the "Buy Now" button on the book's webpage, such as the newest book displayed on our main page.

If you are an educational or government institution, bookstore, wholesaler, distributor, retailer and want to purchase multiple copies of a book, please see our ordering page.

Keep Up on Changes

We maintain a publically available syndication RSS feed, found here, of announcements and events; a few examples could include an upcoming book signing by an author, or an addition to this website. The RSS feed was chosen as the primary syndication method because it can be readily consumed by compatible apps, websites and desktop applications in an anonymous fashion. The reason for that is, basically, so you do not have to provide additional credentials to access or use the RSS feed because ours does not have any. Besides, who would really want to create and manage yet another account?

You Have a Particle Engine On Your Site?!

The main page of our website is themed according to the book that is featured. The book Conqueror (part of a novel series) is a fantasy and science-fiction title that includes various tech and magic. For the magic sub-theme, a particle engine was created that allows the viewer to interact with it in order to cast "Magical Essence". The particle engine itself controls the movement of the "Magical Essence" on the webpage with other chaotic inputs such as wind speed and gravity.

To use the "Magical Essence" simply wait for the long vertical strip to appear to the right of the book's image on the webpage, or you can move your mouse over that area for it to appear. Then you can click on the area to start / stop the casting and use your mouse's roller to move it up and down, controlling where the essence is going. Lastly, your web browser's resolution should be at least 984 pixels in width (horizontal). Most desktops, laptops and devices today should be able to support that resolution.

Feel free to go to our main page and try it out!

Why Do You Use Custom Themes?

Many books tell imaginative and creative stories that capture the interest and attention of readers. Some over the progression of several books. As varied as that landscape is we found it to be rather disturbing to see, virtually everywhere online, the generic cookie-cutter webpage presentation of books as if they were nothing more than a replacement part for a car...plain, sterile and static. Truly, an injustice to the power bottled up within the pages of those books.

With the custom theme approach, as used with the Conqueror title, we wanted to craft an interactive presentation that graphically communicated parts of the book to capture the interest and attention of prospective readers. For example, visual elements like the brutish blade and red highlights alluding to conflict. The interactive magical essence and parchment scroll, attributable to the fantasy aspect of the book. And, stamps of tanks and satellites throughout to convey its science fiction aspect.

By taking the time to create the custom and interactive theme, not only is a more captivating and immersive presentation available to prospective readers but also our drive to pursue a diffrent path, refusing to settle for cookie-cutter plainness.

Is the Conqueror Novel Going to be a Movie?

That is something which is being considered, given the unique nature of that title. We can't say more at this point in time.

Do You Accept Artwork for Titles from Artists?

Yes, we do! Currently we are looking for artists who've read the Conqueror novel (book 1) and would like to create captivating scenes, character depictions and the like that could be placed on merchandise and, potentially, used in movie posters. In exchange, the artist would receive a percentage of each book and merchandise item sold. If this sounds like something you would like to do, please let us know by emailing us with a link to your artwork (watermarking your work is okay)! We'll review it, let you know our decision, and what's next if we love it.

Do You Accept Manuscripts from Authors or Agents?

At this time we are not, but that will change in the future and, when we do, it will be announced.

Who is VanillaViper?

VanillaViper is the pseudoname of a seasoned developer who engineered various parts of the website, interactivity and other aspects "behind the scenes". With over 20+ years of hands-on experience he's worked on University projects, been employed and contracted in the Fortune 100 and prefers a pure, minimalist approach. His pseudoname was chosen to embody that approach where "Vanilla" represents plain hands-on know-how (avoiding huge 3rd party code libraries) and "Viper" representing speed.

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